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BOLEX, s.r.o.
Bolešov 448
018 53 Bolešov
tel: 042 202 12 29


arr3Dotácie z EUPomôžeme vám získať dotáciu z EU na obstaranie zariadení. Máme za sebou úspešné projekty... arr3Mobilná muštáreňPráve k nám od výrobcu dorazila mobilná muštáreň s kapacitou 150l pasterizovaného muštu/hodina. V... arr3Ponúknite nám na odpredajMáte vo Vašej firme, družstve, statku, farme, pivovare, vinárskom závode, nadbytočné... arr3Najnovšia referenciaSpločnosť BOLEX, s.r.o. dodala v Auguste 2012 obci Muránská dlhá lúka sušiareň na ovocie BIOMASTER s...

Prehľad vlastností liahní

Full Setter or Hatcher Options
The entire range of OAKEN machines can be supplied as either a Full Setter or as a...
Combined Setter & Hatcher Configurations!
The larger more commercial sized machines from OT-8400 upwards can be supplied as a combination Setter &...
Fully Automatic – Everything on ALL models!
The entire OAKEN range have the same technology at the heart of the machine.  Highest levels of...
Low Labour and Operating Costs
All our machines have been designed very much with the operator in mind, minimal input is required...
Super Low Maintenance & Service Costs
Servicing and Maintenance are high on the priority rightly so when you are thinking of purchasing machines...
Consistently High Hatch Rates
There is no hidden secrets to ocheive high hatch rates, but you do need to have a...
Ultimate Productivity & Control
When you are venturing in to the hatching business and are investing your own money, return is...
airXchange CO2 Removal System
Even our smallest – OT-440 model comes with our own airXchange CO2 air removal system. CO2 gasses
Dual Stage Heat System
Another very innovative design on the OAKEN range is a dual power heat system within the machines...


You will be surprised at the attractive costings of the entire range of OAKEN Incubators and Hatchers. They truly have a top spec and are built to last and for the commercial environment. Our machines are currently in operations all around the world many with multiple installations from clients who have purchased a single machine, used it and been so impressed they have been back and purchased further models.

We are also very happy to find that we do also have an increasing number of recommendations from existing users and we all know you cannot get a better endorsment than that!!

BOLEX, s.r.o., Bolešov 448, 01853 Bolešov, sales@potravinarske-stroje.sk, +421 42 20 21 22 9

www.Bolex.sk / www.Potravinarske-stroje.sk / www.Potravinarske-zariadenia.sk


